Wellness to go

The Art Of Healthy Living is a term that is thrown around very loosely.
 Most of the time people think it is a "cool" expression or they just need something
 catchy to put on their site but that's not what this phrase is about. 
The Art Of Healthy Living is just that an Art.
 People never talk about Healthy Living in terms of it being an art form. 
People see it as something they are obligated to do or something they do to impress people. 
Some people use Healthy Living as a crutch to prove how self righteous they can be.
 These are the types that always insist you are unhealthy unless you start eating and living like them.
 I will do my best to clear up misconceptions about Art and the way of Healthy Living.

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What does Art mean to you? You probably had many things pop in your head just there. 
Before I tell you what art means to me I want you to first empty your cup of tea so that you
 may taste mine.
 This an old Zen expression that means to abandon all things you think you know so that you
 may learn once again. 
If you were in school and you constantly were trying to outsmart the teacher you 
would learn absolutely nothing more than you already knew.
 Your cup would remain full and your drink would go stale. 
This cup is your mind so before I tell you what art truly means you must first
 empty your mind of all things you think you know about art.

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Art is not something created to be pretty, it is important you understand this concept for it
 is one of the most important. 
While a painting or a song can and will often times have much beauty it is not the reason
 they are created. A flower does not attempt to be beautiful and yet it is. 
Art is the path of freedom. When you are one with your art, you are free to express yourself. 
When you become a master of yourself you become a master of all things. 
Yet mastery is not something to be attained but rather a course or path to become one with.
 Art is a process and thus the path begins on The Art Of Healthy Living.
